Maxwell C. Rong, '17 Pursuing Stanford PhD in Economics

Why did you apply to MMSS?
I applied to MMSS because the program's goals aligned well with my interests, combining mathematical rigor with applications to social sciences. The small class size and selectivity of the program also appealed to me.
How has MMSS prepared you for graduation?
I really enjoyed my time in MMSS. The classes were rewarding and prepared me well to face future challenges, but even outside of class material, I learned valuable skills like how to work collaboratively with others and how to do research. MMSS faculty also provided great academic and professional advice which I believe will be very helpful going forward.
What have you enjoyed most about MMSS?
Two experiences from MMSS really stand out to me. The first is the sense of community. Taking classes with the same group for two years, as well as the many program sponsored events, really allowed me to get to know my classmates well. At the end of the day, I feel like I really identify with the MMSS program. Second, I appreciated the senior thesis experience. It was challenging and gratifying to pursue a self-directed project, and I learned a great deal about research.