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Ivan Canay


Saltzman Family Director of Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences Program
Phone: 847-491-2929
Kellogg Global Hub, Room 3353
Fall Quarter Office Hours are TBD/by appointment

Ivan Canay is a Professor of Economics at Northwestern University. His expertise spans econometric theory and applications, with a focus on inference in partially identified models, randomized controlled experiments, and clustered data. He has also contributed to diverse topics, including regression discontinuity designs, empirical likelihood, and the identification of racial bias using outcome tests. Currently, he serves as the co-Editor of the Journal of Business & Economic Statistics and has been on the editorial board of several leading econometrics journals.

Nicole Schneider
Program Coordinator of Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences Program
Phone: 847-491-3574

program coordinator nicole schneider

Student Advisory Board representatives for MMSS:

Sari Eisen, Senior: 

Will Sydris, Junior: